Wednesdays in Lent - February 24th - March 24th , 7:00 - 8:15

The season of Lent—from an Old English word meaning “spring,” the time of lengthening days—spans 40 days: from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, excluding Sundays.

This time of year is a period of solemn preparation, self-examination, and repentance. Remembering the time Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning his ministry, many Christians adopt Lenten disciplines: giving up an item of food, taking on a prayer or devotional practice, taking a technology fast, or simply setting aside time each day to be present with God and those they love.

Our Wednesdays in Lent Programs have been an integral part of prayer and fellowship during this solemn season. This year, we join St. Paul’s Cathedral, St Philip’s, St. Mark’s and All Saints, and St. Andrew’s for our Online Wednesdays in Lent Program entitled:

Getting Real with God through the Psalms.
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Please join us! All are welcome.

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