Blessing of the Jeans, December 17, 2023



serving Buffalo

The true sign of a vibrant faith community isn’t its Sunday morning service, but how invested it is in serving its neighbors.

AA and NA meetings.

Kid’s Fun-School Cooperative.

Wedding, Funeral, and Baptism Ministry

Volunteering at Friends of the Night People Food Pantry

Nusantara Arts


VOICE Buffalo

VOICE-Buffalo trains people to develop long-lasting, sustaining relationships that connect people to each other. Their collaborative actions make our community safer, more equitable, and prosperous. They train churches and community organizations to spread a culture of accountability. When regular people lead, and demand better neighborhoods, better schools, more responsiveness from our government, our community is reborn through civic engagement.


 What Our Members Say About St. John’s Grace


“St. John's-Grace is my spiritual home, my spiritual center, my 'family,' a source of strength and support. It is a place of healing, worship, passion, prayer, support, enthusiasm and fun.”


“It nourishes my soul, enriches my life, increases my relationships, and enlivens my gifts. It is a sense of peace. You can feel the grace of God in the way people participate in the service. All are welcome to the communion table and the peace is passed enthusiastically."


“St. John's-Grace is a diverse church which welcomes everyone with unqualified acceptance. It embraces each person's unique experience of God and Christ. It feels like big welcoming arms. It's a place where nobody judges you. Each person is treated equally. I feel a special loved person here.”